There has been a rise in demand by a number of organizations for the services of advertising professionals to promote a range of products and services available in Dubai. Some of the major purveyors of advertising services in Dubai include the retail, hotel and hospitality industries within the emirate.

Job seekers looking to join the competitive advertising industry of Dubai have a number of opportunities available including advertising sales, outbound marketing, advertising research and social media advertising specialists.

The advertising sales and marketing department often work hand in hand in identifying potential customers and retaining customers through consistent quality customer service. Clients can range from the food and beverage industry to high end fashion companies; it is up to the sales and marketing representatives of an advertising firm to identify potential clients. Networking plays a major role in this process and Dubai’s very own annual Dubai Lynx International Advertising Festival provides an excellent platform for sales and marketing representatives of an advertising firm. Advertising within industry magazines and events also helps garner clientele.

Advertising researchers are always up to date on current trending topics in adherence to local norms and values. When a client approaches an advertising firm it is the responsibility of the advertising researcher to identify target audiences. In addition advertising researchers often conduct a series of surveys and opinion polls in regards to a product or service on offer by their client in order to effectively formulate a campaign plan.

Social media advertising specialists like their advertising research counterparts keep track of trending topics but focus on the virtual plain rather than the material. Popular social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare are used as platforms to promote a client’s goods and services.

Job seekers looking to join the advertising industry in Dubai have a number of techniques and strategies which can be implemented in order to best promote their clients good and services. Niche marketing, global advertising, crowd sourcing and optimum usage of new technology are some of the techniques employed by advertisers in order to better raise awareness in relation to their client’s expectations.

Niche marketing allows advertisers to focus on a target demographic which is not the majority. Nich marketing often works with products and services aimed at a smaller target audience. These can include anything from specialised programming software to assorted hat kits. Using blogs and online surveys advertisers can better identify and advertise towards their target.

Global advertising, crowd sourcing and optimum usage of new technology often have overlapping concepts. All three use new media or social media in order to target their key demographic. Global advertising helps reach a wider audience by shifting product images and concepts to adhere to the local audience.

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