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We are a global network of full-service law offices specializing in legal, business strategy and tax advisory services for our clients worldwide. At Kaden Boriss, we advise leading domestic and international organizations, and provide consultation at every stage.

With offices in Gurugram (National Capital Region of India), New Delhi, Dubai, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Seoul, Singapore, Bangkok and London, our offices are uniquely positioned to offer bespoke legal and business advisory services to all businesses, private investors and Governments.

Our experienced legal and business strategists, manage an extensive portfolio of legal transactional, regulatory, advisory, documentation, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and litigation support services.

With a dedicated 'on-the-ground' presence in the Indian sub-continent, we are uniquely positioned to offer our clients advisory services anchored in a deep understanding of the Asia Pacific region, Gulf and the various markets of the other continents.

As a global firm, we believe in having a strong commitment towards the community. We actively support socio-economic, community & societal initiatives and non-profit organisations, and provide them with pro bono legal services and financial support when required.

There are always new vacancies coming up in KADEN BORISS CORPORATES. While this is not the official career page KADEN BORISS CORPORATES, we hope to quickly show you below the current live vacancies on the net.

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